NP: David Lynch Reading

Spencer T. Campbell spencer.t.campbell2 at
Sat Jan 2 19:40:31 CST 2016

I usually only lurk here, but wanted to chime in to say that the book of interviews, Lynch on Lynch, is not only one of the best books I read last year--it's one of the most compelling book on the creative process I've ever read.

> On Jan 2, 2016, at 20:22, John Bailey <sundayjb at> wrote:
> What's the full list Steven, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds
> like a great project to spend a year on.
>> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Steven Koteff <steviekoteff at> wrote:
>> A month or two ago I asked if anybody could recommend a Kubrick bio and you guys were all helpful (went with the Lobrutto, Mark T's rec).
>> I'm no wondering if anybody has a particular book (or books) on Lynch to recommend. Biography is desired. If the writer is insightful about Lynch's work that'd be a plus but I guess I'm a bit more interested in Lynch the guy, as person and artist. Want insight into what made the guy make the work.
>> My girlfriend and I made a list of ten directors whose work we want to see all of, in order, before 2017. We're starting with Lynch. Ideally I'd like to read up on each director while we are watching his/her stuff so I will be checking back in.
>> Thanks in advance. -
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