pynchon-l-digest V2 #12198

Doug Millison dougmillison at
Thu Jan 7 11:22:01 CST 2016

GR appears to leave some doubt about Bianca's actual age, even as it seems
to make clear Slothrop's assumption that she's 11 or 12.

The way the older man/father lusting after girl/daughter dynamic shows up
elsewhere in Pynchon's work tells me it's something the author found
important enough to write about more than once, although I would shy away
from trying to determine his specific intentions.

Slothrop's biography in GR would seem to invite a reader to see him as an
abused and damaged child, who is finally torn apart by various forces
internal and external.  Whether this dissolution is a "good" or "bad" thing
in the novel seems indeterminate, too.  "Is the baby smiling, or is it just
gas?" (GR 131)

> Date:
> From:
> Subject: [none]
> analysis to go deep into....I will
> BUT, I will just say that even the first time I read it, I did think
> Slothrop was "only" saying she 'looked' that age.
> But I had read Lolita first....and I did not want to believe the 'good
> Slothrop was a pedophile.....I did think P wanted to present this sickness
> in this way-----males wanted often much younger women.....I could not
> buy it as realistic therefore, of course, long before I had heard of
> hysterical or magical realism..
> but I must reread and think more...
> Just sayin'
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