Cologne sex attacks: women made to "run gauntlet"

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Fri Jan 8 15:06:52 CST 2016

Sweden’s latest murder statistics have come out for the year of 2012,
and this is really bad news for racists.

Remember the murder statistic is a very objective crime statistic
since it doesn’t rely much upon the rate of reporting, a country’s
laws, and is difficult to falsely report. So the homicide rate and
count is very objective when compared to many other crime statistics.

Here’s the official crime statistic:–statistik/mord-och-drap.html

The murder count in Sweden in 2012 was 68, which comes to a murder
rate of 0.71 per 100,000 for 2012, which is lower than all 50 US
states, almost every country on the entire planet, and one of the very
lowest murder rates in Sweden history!

So Sweden has now achieved an unthinkable astronomically low murder
rate of 0.71! Sweden’s murder rate in 2012 (with more Muslim
immigration) is even lower than it was in 2011, one of the very very
very lowest murder rates in all of Sweden history.

To put things into perspective, let’s look at number of murders in US
states with population sizes closest to Sweden’s 9.6 million
population (Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina) since the murder rate
is in proportion to the population size:
- Georgia had more than 550 murders in 2011
- Michigan had more than 600 murders in 2011
- North Carolina had more than 500 murders in 2011


So this means that the US state with the lowest murder count and
population size closest to Sweden (North Carolina) had nearly 100 more
murders in 1 year than Sweden did in 5 years.

Sweden’s murder count in 5 years (2008-2012) would be 414, where as
North Carolina’s murder count is above 500 in just 1 year.

The murder count in Sweden in 2012 was 68. You’ll have to go all the
way back to maybe the 1960s or 1970s to find Sweden murder rates this

I thought there was more crime in Sweden? If crime is up and there’s
much more violence, wouldn’t the murder count and murder rate go up
dramatically and be higher than at least a few US states? So where’s
all the ‘crime’?

Not only is the murder rate lower, the murder count is lower than ever as well.

Apparently there’s more ‘crime’ and violence in Sweden, but Sweden is
safer than all 50 US states (the US state with the lowest murder rate
in 2011 had a murder rate of 1.2 per 100,000).

I guess we can’t blame people for being misled. Who has time to read
official crime statistics, instead of garbage on quasi-fascist blog

(Partially edited from source to remove stupid-sounding invective)

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Thomas Eckhardt
<thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
> Amen to that.
> Am 08.01.2016 um 21:18 schrieb Johnny Marr:
>> I'd rather they removed all religious priveliges in one fell swoop
>> (believe what you want in peaceful privacy, but don't expect religious
>> institutions to receive state subsidies, mitigatory law making or tax
>> exemptions on the grounds of being a force for social good or a deeply
>> held community belief).
> -
> Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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