My thoughts on Bowie

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Mon Jan 11 09:14:01 CST 2016

Consider how courageous it is for an artist to release an album on the
verge of death. I mean, it's wonderful that Blackstar is as good as it
is, and has turned out to be a critically acclaimed milestone... but
what if the consensus had been different? Imagine dying weeks after
releasing an album that everybody thought was rubbish?

On a more serious note...

Legend is an honorific that is all too often bandied about. In the
case of David Bowie, it applies.

Bowie didn't just live a life without compromise, he lived many, his
fictional personae more authentically lived than most contemporary
celebrities' actual realities.

The sounds and visions he gifted to we unworthy acolytes had the
visceral psychic density of the most lucid of dreams.

Now David Bowie the man is gone, but he's left his creations behind to
keep us all company until time and memory run out.

And if that isn't magick, then I don't know what is.

Mark Thibodeau aka Jerky LeBoeuf
Pynchon-l /

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