Johnny Marr marrja at
Mon Jan 11 17:59:06 CST 2016

I glad they both recognised 1.Outside as an overlooked work. The flaws are
marked - too long, the framing story doesn't work at all, some of the bad
songs are really bad and dated.
But there are still plenty of good songs (Strangers When We Meet might be
my favourite Bowie song of the last 30 years, although I need to give
Blackstar a proper listen), it's got great playing throughout -
particularly from Barson - and the neo-noir atmosphere convincingly takes
hold to my ears. The album also greatly benefits from the iTunes era when a
listener can trim the fat.

On Monday, January 11, 2016, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:

> #DavidBowie's last email to Brian Eno (a week ago): "Thank you for our
> good times, brian. they will never rot." It was signed, "Dawn."
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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