Joe Stiglitz: Why the world economy's malaise continues

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Jan 14 15:07:30 CST 2016

This article is behind a paywall, but if the first two sentences portend
its content, then it seems to be saying that a glut of Chinese goods is
slowing growth.  More demand would be the solution to this problem.  Lack
of demand is its cause.

David Morris

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 2:56 PM, ish mailian <ishmailian at> wrote:

> Because it's true.
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Robert Mahnke <rpmahnke at> wrote:
>> Why do you say that?
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:37 PM, ish mailian <ishmailian at>
>> wrote:
>>> The world is not not suffering from too little demand but with too much
>>> supply and with too much capacity.
>>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:00 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The economics of this inertia is easy to understand, and there are
>>>> readily available remedies. The world faces a deficiency of aggregate
>>>> demand, brought on by a combination of growing inequality and a mindless
>>>> wave of fiscal austerity. Those at the top spend far less than those at the
>>>> bottom, so that as money moves up, demand goes down. And countries like
>>>> Germany that consistently maintain external surpluses are contributing
>>>> significantly to the key problem of insufficient global demand.
>>>> At the same time, the U.S. suffers from a milder form of the fiscal
>>>> austerity prevailing in Europe. Indeed, some 500,000
>>>> <> fewer
>>>> people are employed by the public sector in the U.S. than before the
>>>> crisis. With normal expansion in government employment since 2008, there
>>>> would have been two million more.
>>>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Robert Mahnke <rpmahnke at>
>>>> wrote:
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