The Hateful Eight

Perry Noid coolwithdoc at
Tue Jan 19 07:22:30 CST 2016

A lot great about it but I have to agree with Mike in the writing, though I
was never much a fan of Reservoir Dogs. Hearing Tarantino talk at me
through his movies just kind of irks me. My favorites are Inglourious and

Boyd was the best thing about Justified. "Mancrush" is the word I think

On Tuesday, January 19, 2016, Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at> wrote:

> Saw it last week.
> Best Morricone score since the 60s, wonderful photography and a good
> story, but I'm afraid I'm not that impressed with QT's skills as a writer.
> Comparisons with Reservoir Dogs are risible.
> Having heard he'd chosen Walton Goggins because of Justified I was very
> disappointed with the words he gave him to say. Having watched the final
> series of Justified a couple of weeks ago, my reaction to Hateful 8 was
> almost to start over on series one. There are so many utterances by WG, or
> conversations including him, in the series which were head and shoulders
> above everything in the film script.
> Mike
>  John Bailey <sundayjb at <javascript:;>> wrote :
> > Has anyone seen Tarantino's latest? I'm swearing because I just
> > learned he turned up with Kurt Russell and Samuel L Jackson at the
> > tiny local cinema near me last night (we're talking serious backwaters
> > here) because the ancient projectionist managed to source a big ol'
> > 70mm projector.
> > -
> > Pynchon-l /
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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