The Hateful Eight

The Jonathon Hunt Experience newtalkingwall at
Tue Jan 19 07:30:12 CST 2016

Oddly enough, a lot of the Morricone music in the movie was from other
movies. Specifically Exorcist 2 and John Carpenter's The Thing.

I enjoyed the movie. I went in with zero expectations, as I am not much of
a Tarantino fan, but thought the movie did a great job of building tension
and paranoia.
On Jan 19, 2016 6:42 AM, "Mike Weaver" <mike.weaver at> wrote:

> Saw it last week.
> Best Morricone score since the 60s, wonderful photography and a good
> story, but I'm afraid I'm not that impressed with QT's skills as a writer.
> Comparisons with Reservoir Dogs are risible.
> Having heard he'd chosen Walton Goggins because of Justified I was very
> disappointed with the words he gave him to say. Having watched the final
> series of Justified a couple of weeks ago, my reaction to Hateful 8 was
> almost to start over on series one. There are so many utterances by WG, or
> conversations including him, in the series which were head and shoulders
> above everything in the film script.
> Mike
>  John Bailey <sundayjb at> wrote :
> > Has anyone seen Tarantino's latest? I'm swearing because I just
> > learned he turned up with Kurt Russell and Samuel L Jackson at the
> > tiny local cinema near me last night (we're talking serious backwaters
> > here) because the ancient projectionist managed to source a big ol'
> > 70mm projector.
> > -
> > Pynchon-l /
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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