recent Huxley misc and perpetual Orwell book
Perry Noid
coolwithdoc at
Sun Jan 24 11:47:45 CST 2016
This often comes up when I come across someone who has either read BNW or
1984, or both, and the first point often made is "well Huxley's prediction
is the more accurate one." Might be true on the surface but Orwell, imo,
offers a lot more in terms of control other than "boot-on-the-face"
methods, as Huxley puts it. And the boots are not exactly on US faces,
true, but they are and have been on many faces around the globe. Seems to
me Pynchon synthesizes both in GR
"The philosophy of the ruling minority in Nineteen Eighty-Four is a sadism
which has been carried to its logical conclusion by going beyond sex and
denying it." - AH letter
"But why are we taught to feel reflexive shame whenever the subject comes
up? Why will the Structure allow every other kind of sexual behavior but
that one? Because submission and dominance are resources it needs for its
very survival. They cannot be wasted in private sex. In any kind of sex. It
needs our submission so that it may remain in power. It needs our lusts
after dominance so that it can co-opt us into its own power game. There is
no joy in it, only power. I tell you, if S and M could be established
universally, at the family level, the State would wither away." - GR
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 1:31 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> *Open Culture* @openculture <> 2m2
> minutes ago <>
> Huxley to Orwell: My Hellish Vision of the Future is Better Than Yours
> (1949) <>
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