The Fictions of Surrealism

ish mailian ishmailian at
Tue Jan 26 12:24:41 CST 2016

Not quite sure what, exactly, Mr. Pynchon means by "the irresponsible
Surrealism" (SL.22) in "The Secret Integration", but I used to think
it had to do with Mr McAfee detox session with the boys, and I
certainly hope he doesn't mean the junkyard themes and junkyard dreams
of the boys and their parents, the theme of what a consumer driven
society of disposable culture does to the black characters and to the
dream of integration. The story is a beauty, really. Love it.

I posted the Walter A. Strauss study because it mentions Joyce and
Marquez, and Alice....and I think that the lists, like the one Oedipa
makes on the bus, the surreal list, may be influenced by Marques too.

His early tales, Leaf Storm, include these bizarre lists, in dream.
Also, goes to the global thread before, as Marquez too, like Faulkner
and Toni Morrison works with a postage stamp world.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:56 PM, ish mailian <ishmailian at> wrote:
Pynchon-l /

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