BtZ42 pages 116-121 part of whoever he was inside it has kindly remained

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Jul 3 15:45:36 CDT 2016

Not that I believe this scientifically, but as a perspective that takes in
what some say is P's special possible buddhism caught  in his texts in
symbolic form and the line "They're must be outside his

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Eileen Pierce <eileenpierce333 at>

> To me this part really captures that feeling of remembering.
> "They’re reassembling . . . it must be outside his memory . . . cool clean
> interior, girl and woman, independent of his shorthand of stars . . . so
> many fading-faced girls, windy canalsides, bed-sitters, bus-stop good-byes,
> how can he be expected to remember? but this room has gone on clarifying:
> part of whoever he was inside it has kindly remained, stored quiescent
> these months outside of his head, distributed through the grainy shadows,
> the grease-hazy jars of herbs, candies, spices, all the Compton Mackenzie
> novels on the shelf, glassy ambrotypes of her late husband Austin
> night-dusted inside gilded frames up on the mantel where last time
> Michaelmas daisies greeted and razzled from a little Sevres vase she and
> Austin found together on Saturday long ago in a Wardour Street shop . . . "
> Eileen Pierce
> 608-512-6451
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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