GR translation: the Slothropian Run-together

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Tue Jul 19 17:24:58 CDT 2016


I can't let go mentally of that "Run-together phrase"......I read the whole
couple--three pages around it again
and was led to remember that Katje is sorta seducing Slothrop because of
Pointsman, she is in on his paranoia,
partway in on the game of

"his it for her?" or is it 'wired into the 'Run-Together"
----could this be like a plastic shell of a face, two parts glued together
[see below]?---because
"she will not be mounted by a plastic shell"...?    P has still coined a
new yoking here AND isn't this something they 'could have briefed
her on' compared to other possible meanings? That is: They see him as
rocket-led (in advance in some way) they might think and
briefed her on?

notice that Slothrop is compared to a rocket "whose valves", etc.....within
a couple paragraphs.

For what it's worth and to quit thinking about it,


3-Inch Hybrid Plastic Firework Shell Instructions - Skylighter


Sep 13, 2011 - So, plastic shell parts are used less and less in US shell
making. Which brings ... "Pure" plastic shells will function adequately by
just gluing the two halves together. ..... When you see it run, the big
question is "how do it know?

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 12:40 AM, Mike Jing < at>

> V196.34-197.1   . . . as they fuck she quakes, body strobing miles
> beneath him in cream and night-blue, all sound suppressed, eyes in
> crescents behind the gold lashes, jet earrings, long, octahedral,
> flying without a sound, beating against her cheeks, black sleet, his
> face above her unmoved, full of careful technique—is it for her? or
> wired into the Slothropian Run-together they briefed her on—she will
> move him, she will not be mounted by a plastic shell . . .
> What does "Run-together" mean here?
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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