Funny Shit poem from GR 94-116

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat Jun 18 14:29:04 CDT 2016

So Teddy Bloat is again the stealthy cameraman....
(on p 120 he is filming Slothrop and Darlene in bed ala
Morris Teflon in V filming Benny)....and decades later
in AtD, there is a cameraman trying to film the
nature-alive couple in the woods.

Pynchon and sexual voyeurism, meanings of?

Remember Morris

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 1:50 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:

> The secret cameraman is watching as
>  the blond enters the picture
> but his camera cannot detect any change in her face
>  that moment when the oven door opens
>    not after Osbies banana crotch stunt
>   nor after pirate fondles his other scripto-magic decoder revealing
> crotch pistol
> but a little later
> not too long  after pirate handles his heavy crotchet pistol
>  yes, then, right then when we zoom in on
> Osbie’s amanita smoke supply
>  fresh and warm from the oven  whose bliss zero teeth yellow in her
> memories
> memories blacker than the shit where the big bananas grow
> memories black as the face and curses of the Swarzcommando
> but the camera, neither then , nor later can catch  the change in the
> shadows
> when
> Katje catches  shared memories of Van Der Groov the killer  and
> sweet savior of the dodoes armed and comforted  with  a similar crotchet,
> which is the same one really
>   but with mere cameras Katje cannot be caught
> whose shadows remain impenetrable
> now reassigned to white visitation re ass signed to Slothrop
>   Slothrop whose own port holes  are also  re ass signed
> Porthos
> the man with the map to the future
>  the map to the man with the iron mask
> the once and future  porcine
>  king of futures fine and toilet style
> whose own teeth bite down on Quoad’s candy
> alkaloid desolation
> adenoid
> paranoid
> meloid
> annoyed
> Jeez it must be pure nitric acid
> nitro glycerine medicine
> railroad extermination
> tongue a holocaust
> Did somebody make him up
> make all this shit up
> what was God smoking that day
> That master chemist on the rooftop
> Do the rockets from the crotchets fall on his house?
> is this shit supposed to be funny?
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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