Trumping the Vibe

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Wed Jun 22 21:41:31 CDT 2016

Hitler was  kinda overboard too. Pretty hard anymore to make a satire extreme enough to qualify as non credible.
> On Jun 22, 2016, at 3:27 AM, matthew cissell <mccissell at> wrote:
> So I read this week that some fellow from the UK thought he would come kill Trump, even did some shooting practice. Dog bless the US.
> I happen to be rereading the scene in AD where the young anarchist tries to kill Scarsdale Vibe only to be shot down. After 'neutralizing' the subject the assassini put the boots to him with Vibe shouting "Batti! Batti la faccia"
>  Shortly after that Foley speculates that since Italian anarchists go after royalty that makes Vibe "American royalty" to which Vibe responds: "King Scarsdale. Yes. Has a certain lilt to it."
> Surely I'm not the only one that sees life imitating art. Can't you see Trump saying about the same?
> I remember that one P-lister said that Vibe was not at all credible as a character, it was just too overboard. James Wood made a similar argument.
> I could almost thank Trump for bringing Scarsdale Vibe to life, almost. 
> ciao
> mc

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