BE -- "death wish for the planet" why the internet?

ish mailian ishmailian at
Thu Mar 3 04:22:21 CST 2016

I agree that Maxine's sanguine take on the internet is also satirized.
I mention the Seventies because that's when P published his masterwork
GR, the novel that so brilliantly examines the themes you are
discussing. If, as you assert, Ernie is a mouthpiece for Pynchon, then
both are stuck in the Seventies.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 4:50 AM, Thomas Eckhardt
<thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
> The question is not what we want P to say but what is there in the text. As
> I have demonstrated, Ernie's view is not invalidated while Maxine's is.
> Why do you mention the 70s? Ernie is talking about the Eisenhower years/the
> 60s.
> Am 03.03.2016 um 00:24 schrieb ish mailian:
>> So Pynchon is stuck in the seventies. Just playing that same old cold
>> war tune, Gravity's Rainbow, with family in NYC with a 9-11 attack
>> tossed in? I don't think so. Ernie may be stuck in the seventies but
>> not the author. Nothing has changed? Ernie may have taught history but
>> he stopped reading it after 1989.
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