BTZ42Read: it has happened before

Steven Koteff steviekoteff at
Mon Mar 14 19:16:59 CDT 2016

Ish, in your final point are you saying that death stems from man's occupation/influence? That our inhabiting and "knowing"/conquering some sphere makes it dead? Does this mean that life exists only where man isn't/can't go, can't possess? Life, as in, divine life? Symbolic life? 

> On Mar 14, 2016, at 5:18 PM, ish mailian <ishmailian at> wrote:
> It's not quite a universal, the idea that celestial divine being(s),
> creator(s) of the world, drop neither bombs nor rockets on our heads,
> but raindrops, and that there seems to be no use in worrying about it,
> or about who will stop the rain, and that rain is needed, and better
> than either fire or ice, to make fecund our Good Earth. The fire, the
> ice, the lightening, the screaming, the rages and wages of wars, the
> wrath of the celestial divinities, who are wise and have knowledge,
> foreknowledge even, and who are often law givers who visited Earth,
> and are, in rituals and rites, in remembrances, called upon to protect
> the sacred and punish the profane. We find it difficult to imagine the
> sky in a sacred relationship with the Earth and people, but anyone who
> has stood under the stars and felt the mysterious and sublime power of
> the sky knows something of the power of of the most high Sky. A
> screaming comes across the sky and the source of the scream, if it be
> a man made revelation of power, then the Sky, as Nietzsche says of
> God, is Dead.
> -
> Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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