Section the Third, pg.17-19

Keith Davis kbob42 at
Mon Mar 28 21:08:05 CDT 2016

And here's to Dave Monroe...

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 10:07 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:

> ....and, this is my fourth or fifth read of this wonderful...thingy?....I
> lose track. I must say it's a pleasure and an honor to share it with you
> all!
> Let it RIP!
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 10:04 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>> One addendum; the famous pile on Slothrop's desk, and the resulting
>> Plist, includes many allusions to future references in this masterpiece of
>> a novel, and gives us several clues to the character of our"hero"...see for
>> yourselves, or cheat, like I did, and refer to Weisenburger!
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 9:55 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>>>      And here we are introduced to our hero, Tyrone Slothrop, though he
>>> doesn't appear in person. Teddy Bloat, sent to spy on him, for reasons yet
>>> unrevealed, finds a desk, which results in a Plist (pun fully intended),
>>> littered with the slothful accumulation of "bureaucratic smegma".
>>> Everything from official documents pertaining to the war, to bits of
>>> tobacco and erasers and odd pieces of jigsaw puzzles, broken ukelele
>>> strings, all seem to be of equal importance, or lack of same, to our hero...
>>>      Seems Teddy Bloat, whose ass was saved by the quick reaction of
>>> Pirate Prentice in the first section, is a spy, for whom we are not yet
>>> told, though it must be official, SHAEF sword hairbrushes and all. His old
>>> college friend, Lt. Oliver ("Tantivy") Mucker-Maffick (a name which seems
>>> to beg for multiple layers of interpretation), shares an office with
>>> Slothrop at ACHTUNG (I won't preach to the choir about the beauty of this
>>> acronym..), and must have mentioned Slothrop's soon to be infamous map....
>>>    Multicolored stars labeled with women's names, coinciding with the
>>> locations of bomb disasters Slothrop's been sent out to investigate for
>>> ACHTUNG. What does it all mean?
>>>    And, more importantly, to whom does it all mean anything?
>>> --
>> --
> --

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