Very misc on the constant centrality of Against the Day

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Nov 6 05:53:09 CST 2016

I could hardly spell Macedonia when I first read Against The Day
and knew only the most superficial things about it.
With no context, since I am weak on European history.

Learned from TRP how globally central, how it is a human portal for so
many--tourists and refugees--, contains so many peoples,
has changed and been part of change always in the world.

Now,-- if interested you can find anywhere--another footnote to
this US election, there are the stories that it is a major place where
some folks have created and spread thousands of false stories over the
about Clinton, for Trump, lots of lies and non-facts picked up by
the alt-right and lots of other simply fantasy-believing Right-wingers.

So it goes.
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