Question: GR and music

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Nov 16 16:23:40 CST 2016

In 1973, Thomas Pynchon published what is considered by many to be one of
the greatest novels ever written, *Gravity’s Rainbow*. Now, among its
myriad storylines and countless memorable scenes, one stands out among all
the others as perhaps the most notorious. About halfway through the novel,
we’re introduced to Bianca..

Without going into all the preceding narrative details, let’s just say
Bianca is first described as “a knockout, alright, 11 or 12, dark and
lovely…” She is in fact, if I am reading my contextual clues correctly,
roughly 16, and makes her appearance during a drunken orgy scene aboard a
yacht called the Anubis: “…{F}unseekers crowded eagerly around a cleared
space where Bianca now stands pouting, her little red frock halfway up her
slender thighs, with black lace petticoats peeping from beneath the hem…”

Urged on by her mother, Margherita, she sings “On the Good Ship Lollipop”
to the horny crowd while performing a dead-on Shirley Temple impression.
Her mother then demands she sing “Animal Crackers in My Soup.” Bianca
refuses, and a reveler shouts “Super Animals in My Crack!”—a line which has
stuck with me ever since.

On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 4:08 PM, kelber at <
kelber at> wrote:

> Looking through the film references section of the GR wiki, it looks like
> the only references to an actual film is, of course, King Kong. And there's
> a reference to the son ( not capitalized) of Frankenstein. He mentions
> Cecil B. Demille, the Marx Brothers, and offhandedly, Bela Lugosi. I guess
> clips of various German expressionist movies from the 20s would best
> capture the book.
> Laura
> *Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID*
> János Széky <miksaapja at> wrote:
> A musician friend is member of a group which creates improvised
>  accompaniment to film montages without soundtrack, nickelodeon-style. He
> chose GR as a theme for his next concert. He asked for a comprehensive
> essay about references to films in the book. Can you help?
> Thanks in advance,
> János
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