NP - This Graph Says it All About Why Hillary Lost.

matthew cissell mccissell at
Thu Nov 17 02:07:58 CST 2016

"Looking at the graph it's obvious that probably any other Republican could
have defeated Hillary Clinton and that any other Democrat (certainly Bernie
Sanders) could have defeated Trump."

The first half of the statement is accurate, the second part is ...
laughable. Where does he get that?

And graphs rarely say it all.

I thought Monte's mail was pretty right on. I normally refrain from doing
poli-sci talk on the P-list, but in this case I felt like there was some
need to respond.

We need to wise up. Clinton is off the field, so now we can move forward,
but we can't do that by looking backwards with angry hypothetical arguments.

Get the vote out in the coming election cycles and prepare the ground for


On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 11:49 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> bad-news.html
> This is as clear as it gets.
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