BE: Journalistic (and national) ADHD

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Sun Nov 20 18:59:03 CST 2016

Some may recall that I posted a passage from Rick Perlstein (and before
him  NSA historian James Bamford and others) about the Church Committee's
discovery in 1975 that the NSA had "been monitoring both the phone calls
and the telegrams of American citizens for decades."

So then FISA and other stern safeguards were put into place until --
surprise! -- Snowden clued us in that the Bad Behavior had not only
continued for decades, but expanded in step with the internet.

Today we get this breathless revelation about a building in the heart
of *Bleeding
Edge* territory.

Trust me: when that building was one year old, using analog/radio rather
than digital/fiber optic dragnets, there was enough leakage from committee
staff that I and many thousands of other people in NYC (hi, Laura!) knew
about its... enhanced functions. I'm not talking tinfoil-hat speculation,
I'm talking matter-of-fact daylight certainty, something half the high-end
electronic installation mavens in the city were winking and nudging about.

It makes P's snarking at the *Times *in* BE *even more entertaining*,* but
it is not the kind of "been there done that" I enjoy.
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