A Provocative Question

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de
Tue Nov 22 14:48:30 CST 2016

The US government has supported Nazis and fascists, installed right-wing 
dictatorships and authoritarian regimes and trained and financed 
right-wing death squads and torturers for about 70 years. Under 
Clinton-appointed neocon Victoria Nuland, the State Department relied on 
Ukrainian fascists to overthrow a democratically elected government.

So where's the problem?

Am 22.11.2016 um 04:27 schrieb David Morris:
> How do P-list Europeans feel/think about the fact that the US
> President-elect has made an "alt-right" Nazi his top advisor?  It makes
> me sick.  How does it make you feel?
> The rise of Nazis in the US is different than the nationalist right in
> Europe, but they  both are rooted in fear.  In the US that fear is
> against all our resident Others, and less so insurgent ISSIS
> groups, despite GOP propaganda.  Like WW2, we have an ocean and
> colonial/imperial distance to protect us.  So we can be more smug.  But
> we seem more paranoid than warranted.  Guilty conscience, maybe?
> David Morris
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