GR translation: unslinging his Tokarev and firing from the hip

Jochen Stremmel jstremmel at
Wed Nov 23 04:03:16 CST 2016

I would bet Weisenburger is wrong. The unslinging and the firing from the
hip are clear indicators that it is a rifle P is writing about.

2016-11-23 10:20 GMT+01:00 János Széky <miksaapja at>:

> Tokarevs were common in the WWII Soviet Army.  Yes it is possible he kept
> it on a sling.
> János
> 2016-11-23 10:01 GMT+01:00 Mike Jing < at>:
>> V503.34-38, P512.9-13   One of the chimps now bites a Soviet corporal
>> in the leg. The corporal screams, unslinging his Tokarev and firing
>> from the hip, by which time the chimp has leaped for a halyard. A
>> dozen more of the critters, many carrying vodka bottles, head en masse
>> for the gangplank. “Don’t let them get away,” Haftung hollers.
>> Weisenburger refers to the Tokarev as a pistol, probably the TT-30. Is
>> it common to keep a pistol in a sling in WWII? Or is this more likely
>> to be a rifle, perhaps the SVT-38 or SVT-40?
>> -
>> Pynchon-l /
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