NP but Defoe, Willem

Allan Balliett allan.balliett at
Wed Nov 23 09:34:56 CST 2016

A note passed to me earlier today. Anyone know anything about it?

Sculpt is a film created by the renown French artist, Loris Greaud.
> Starring Willem Defoe and Charlotte Rampling, the film exists in a
> multiplicity of versions that run from 70-120 minutes, but its most unique
> feature is that it was conceived to be viewed by an audience of ONE,
> creating a singular one-to-one viewing experience. Shocking, disturbing
> and
> decidedly nonlinear, a screening leaves the viewer wondering exactly what
> he or she has seen, and with no other audience member with which one can
> make a comparison or share a critique, this void can only be filled with
> one’s imagination.
> Sculpt was premiered at the LACMA in Los Angeles on August 16, 2016 and
> received several screenings a day, each time before an audience of one,
> until the master file eventually vanished.
> Various versions of the film are currently being distributed worldwide via
> the Dark Web.

I prefer that my Charlotte Rampling movies were filmed around 1970, I'm

Allan in WV, where some of us still pine for Susan George
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