GR translation:

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Sep 8 20:55:01 CDT 2016

"Their certain love" is a category of love described by the the words that
follow. It is an exhaled love.

On Thursday, September 8, 2016, Mike Jing < at>

> V359.10-20, P364.31-365.3   Tchitcherine will reach the Kirghiz Light,
> but not his birth. He is no aqyn, and his heart was never ready. He
> will see It just before dawn. He will spend 12 hours then, face-up on
> the desert, a prehistoric city greater than Babylon lying in stifled
> mineral sleep a kilometer below his back, as the shadow of the tall
> rock, rising to a point, dances west to east and Džaqyp Qulan tends
> him, anxious as child and doll, and drying foam laces the necks of the
> two horses. But someday, like the mountains, like the young exiled
> women in their certain love, in their innocence of him, like the
> morning earthquakes and the cloud-driving wind, a purge, a war, and
> millions after millions of souls gone behind him, he will hardly be
> able to remember It.
> What's the meaning of "in their certain love" and "in their innocence of
> him"?
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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