
Protomen protomen at
Fri Sep 16 08:50:59 CDT 2016

Only just starting Jerusalem as well - based on what little I've read so far and on his earlier book (which was by the way shorter and very good; its first chapter, as narrated by some neanderthal man, is a rare example of artificial language put to good use), I'm reminding myself, as I'd enjoin anyone about to pick it up, to make sure and take it slow...

(yes, what a stupid thing to say on a list of Pynchonites but it just came out and there's the excitement, and it's not a race but the times are busy... and it has descriptions full of details as many and useless as real memories, and, and... and it doesn't look like you actually need to read it slowly to unfold meanings or anything, either, it's not a case of the torturous syntax, no, I'm saying this because Alan Moore's prose, at the usual trot, reads like gravel - whereas it can be quite pleasant in his own voice. He's one of those writers whose rhythm and even accent are key to one's reading enjoyment - samples are easy to find:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Jerusalem
Local Time: 15 septembre 2016 6:23 PM
UTC Time: 15 septembre 2016 16:23
From: richard.romeo at
To: “pynchon-l at“ <pynchon-l at>

Hey all
I've just started Alan Moore's Jerusalem. Hope to give you my take on it after I wade through it all. may take a while ;)
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