Not Pynchon (although he is name-checked) but Moore

Danny Weltman danny.weltman at
Fri Sep 16 11:00:05 CDT 2016

I think he's implying that presidents and prime ministers don't read books,
such that compelling them to read "one book" would be a feat. The Very
Hungry Caterpillar remark is perhaps a reference to when George W. Bush,
while running for president the first time, said it was his favorite book
from his childhood even though it was published when he was in his 20s. Or
perhaps it's just a joke about how they don't read books aside from
children's books.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 7:20 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:

> And does anyone want to suggest a meaning to his remark to the question
> about recommending a book to the Pres??......
> -the-book.html?_r=0
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