Into the Abyss
gary webb
gwebb8686 at
Sun Aug 13 20:55:39 CDT 2017
I don't think anyone knows what the answer is... There was innocent blood
shed and people injured, the incoherence of the moment, and the battle for
hearts and minds latter, the mentally deranged and black hearts of the body
politic... Fortunately, I don't think this was a victory for the Nazis, but
they'll be back... In Boston, no less...
On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 9:40 PM, jesse gooch <jlguuch at> wrote:
> I live in Charlottesville. I wasn’t there for the mess yesterday, but I
> was downtown this afternoon and it’s insane. There is a sniper posted
> across from city hall because of a press release that Richard Spencer
> wanted to give. He tried, but people just chanted the word “shame” over and
> over until he left. Also, the pavilion at the end of the outdoor mall is
> full of riot cops on standby, there are large, windowless DOC busses
> (usually used to transport inmates) parked in case they need to truck
> people off, and there are a lot of state police mean-mugging people and
> marching up and down the mall. They even cancelled the showing of Roman
> Holiday (obviously not that important, but still). One of my friends was
> nearly hit by that car and was, at 3 this afternoon, still visibly in shock.
> I’ve avoided this thing for a while. Partly because I don’t see the point
> in removing one statue of Robert E Lee from a town that is littered with
> monuments to slave owning politicians (not sure why they all get a pass and
> the guy that led armies to protect their interests needs to be removed),
> and partly because I’m on parole and don’t want to be sent back to prison
> for fighting with people over a statue that I don’t really think should be
> removed. After being down there and talking to some people that I know, I’m
> rethinking my lack of involvement. Sadly, in the end, the white
> supremacists were able to attract media attention that they absolutely
> love, and now there is a good reason for a heavier police presence. I’m not
> sure what the answer is.
> On Aug 13, 2017, at 5:22 PM, gary webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
> Terrorism is tool used by different ideologies. I agree there are big
> similarities between our home grown extremists and those from the Middle
> East. What is weirder now, at least in US, is instead of the paramilitary
> backwoods extremist, a la Timothy McVeigh, where most everyone was
> universal in condemnation, now from certain administration officials on
> down, you have silence. There is no vigorous condemnation or disavowal.
> This event seems more organized and more media based. These guys aren't
> desperate. They want images to illustrate the intolerance and violence of
> protesters. I don't think they wanted any suicide bombers, or drivers. They
> wanted a fight. Then, say no one was injured or hurt, we would be bombarded
> of images of protesters of the left attacking these doe eyed college
> republicans... And I don't think it's a coincidence that these "riots" are
> taking place in college campuses... The have been on the Right's target
> list for a long time...
> There is something weirder going on here in the US...
> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 4:55 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>> Umm, how does Alt-Reich murder by car differ from those recently also
>> murders by car by Muslims in Paris?
>> Nuance ain't necessary here. White fear is just our US flavor. They are
>> equally terrorists.
>> These terrorists all fear extinction. They know they are dying, and that
>> makes them frantic!
>> David Morris
>> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 3:36 PM Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at>
>> wrote:
>>> Well, Drudge IS Jewish, after all. So there must be at least a tiny
>>> speck of consciousness about this kind of stuff... race memory, if you
>>> will. At least enough to give him a frisson of uncanny, generational
>>> recognition.
>>> Re: the look and attire of the right-wing mob this time... on Twitter
>>> the self-described "scumbag left" (like the Chapo Trap House gang) are
>>> calling this "the Pussy Riot" and comedian Doug Stanhope has stepped
>>> up with a great solution for the next time there's a tiki
>>> torch-wielding bunch of Nazis marching through your town: water
>>> balloons filled with gasoline.
>>> The footage of that Nazi plowing through the crowd of peaceful
>>> protesters is harrowing and disgusting in its blatant, brazen
>>> cowardice.
>>> But I have to agree with you, Gary. Positive (by which I mean
>>> negative) reactions to this affront set aside for the moment, I do
>>> believe that the waters of the Rubicon are lapping at our collective
>>> toes. It's like the Powers That Be (or, in this case, the rogue Deep
>>> State faction that I've been calling the New Fascist International)
>>> have perfected some new form of brainwashing - a technique that leaves
>>> the subject/victim's mind not only altered, but booby-trapped against
>>> any and all attempts at reasoning with it.
>>> Real journalism is "Fake News". Lies in the service of the Far Right
>>> agenda are Truth. BLM = KKK. Immigration = White Genocide.
>>> Booby-trapped brains. Impervious to reason, logic, or empirical
>>> evidence that contradicts their erroneous beliefs. And with every
>>> passing day, everywhere you look, there's more of these fuckers. For
>>> fuck's sake, they're working in the WHITE HOUSE.
>>> We are so royally screwed.
>>> Jerky
>>> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 4:02 PM, gary webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
>>> > I don't know about the rest of the list but I've been unnaturally
>>> disturbed
>>> > about the events of Charlottesville. As an American, I suppose I
>>> should be
>>> > more cynical, and actually come to expect this sort of violence, but
>>> there
>>> > is something off. Looking at the pictures, these Unite the Right guys
>>> look
>>> > pretty unremarkable, like VCR repairman,not what I'd associate with
>>> > storm-trooper, AKA Puck Beaverton, the resemble Arendt's depiction of
>>> > Eichmann, not paramilitary types, which I've come to expect, but its
>>> > nonetheless remarkable in 2017, that the "Blood and Soil" movement
>>> nonsense
>>> > feels it can make a big PR-push into the mainstream.
>>> >
>>> > I found the President's silence to be remarkable, and David Duke's
>>> tweet,
>>> > and this all goes back to that NRA video Jerky posted a while back, a
>>> > campaign is afoot to provoke and demonize the left, and that's what
>>> these
>>> > Alt-Right Nazis do, then the right has images which they spin to scare
>>> the
>>> > hell out of paranoid suburbanites...
>>> >
>>> > It looks like the plan backfired, and an innocent woman was killed
>>> > protesting, and others injured by some kamikaze white nationalist from
>>> Ohio.
>>> > But I'm sure in the coming months or years, they will have their Horst
>>> > Wessel... and the Right will continue to use these assholes as blunt
>>> > instruments, just like the Weimar right did, thinking that they can
>>> control
>>> > them, until its too late...
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> -
>>> Pynchon-l /
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