The Liberal Redneck

jesse gooch jlguuch at
Tue Aug 15 18:03:16 CDT 2017

I’mThanks for the video Kieth. That was the highlight of my day so far.

OZARK is a great show. I’d never heard anything about it, but saw Bateman and figured I’d give it a go, (I like funny people in dramatic roles - Stranger Than Fiction anyone?) and loved it from the first episode to the last of the season. I believe I watched it all in about a week.

The redneck/hillbilly thing was kind of funny. I’ve known people that proudly call themselves the one that upsets that lady so much. I believe it’s in the context.

> On Aug 15, 2017, at 6:33 PM, Allan Balliett <allan.balliett at> wrote:
> You remind me: I keep forgetting to recommend OZARK to this list.
> This is Jason Bateman's new Netflix original series. 
> It's sort of another BREAKING BAD in that it's a normal moral man who...well, hell, I can't tell you ANYTHING after the first couple of minutes wtihout it being spoiler. Since reviewers will tell you this much, I'll tell you: It's the story of a financial planner who finds himself laundering money for the Cartel, which is a strong enough situation to propel the narrative for the first 10 hours, I can attest.
> What brought it to mind is that it's the first drama I've seen that has a couple of strong plot turns that are based on understanding the difference between a red neck and a hillbilly.
> This series will make it clear that it's an important distinction to be aware of.
> Bateman is executive producer and directed many of the episodes. This is a series I hear people on the street recommending to others. (Seriously) Check it out. If you don't like the first 30 minutes, it's not the binge for you.
> -Allan in WV
> 2017-08-15 14:42 GMT-04:00 Keith Davis <kbob42 at <mailto:kbob42 at>>:
> We ain't all dumbfucks down yere...
> <>
> -- 
> <>

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