Eclipse Totality & An Obvious Question

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Mon Aug 21 22:00:43 CDT 2017

Also, the moon is slowly moving away from us, so that in about half a
billion years, there will NEVER be eclipses at all anymore... just

Yes, it's incredible. It really is. What great timing we have, as a
species! On the other hand, maybe if the moon hadn't been where it is,
the size it is, etc, there wouldn't BE a humanity (what with the tides
being a sure help for us leaving the deep blue sea).


On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 10:26 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> What a coincidence that the moon is exactly the size to just cover the sun
> from our view, leaving only a brief spectacular diamond ring.
> What are the chances for this perfect moon-sun fit?  Might it be a planned
> geometry, like that shadow in GR cast across the mountain tops.  We, in our
> viewing of the Cosmos, might be entertaining ourselves by our creating it.
> An obvious question not asked, for obvious reasons.
> David Morris
Pynchon-l /

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