Mindful pleasures..... As the words turn.

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 15:52:30 CDT 2017

I find it interesting, often informative and sometimes entertaining. The
Plist is the perfect place for him, them.
Trickster figures, confidence men ala Melville but with the only con being
of the coherent Self.
Which is part of this thread, if I read it aright.

But the only one I still yearn for is Alice. I almost loved Alice.

My pining heart.

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 4:42 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ish is not a troll by way of content. But he is probably Terrance.  But
> why become Ish?
> Att-P isn't really a troll, because he plays at dialogue.  Ish is all
> monologue.  Neither is a troll, just facades, personas, which can still be
> really annoying.  But why do that?  It is not entertaining.
> David Morris
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 3:06 PM Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at zen.co.uk> wrote:
>> Ishmael is no troll - since I've been back (pre BE) he's been a steady
>> source of interesting opinion and reading. I can't remember exactly when
>> Terrance first turned up here but it must be nigh on 20 years ago. People
>> change.
>> Atticus arrived in  troll mode, maybe s/he's all troll. Maybe Terrance,
>> as you suspect and occasionally tell us, is still creating new personas to
>> mock you and others. Maybe Atticus is just another wind up merchant,
>> passing through, looking for easy kicks.  I'm favouring the latter at the
>> moment.
>> On 29-Aug-17 8:26 PM, David Morris wrote:
>> Not believable.  You don't use Google?  Ingnorant of walking meditation
>> or kundalini.  You reek of troll.  THAT is what Terrance is.
>> Your name is fake.  Mine is real.  I am very transparent.
>> David Morris
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:09 PM Atticus Pinecone <
>> atticuspinecone at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ha-ha true. The warp and enormity of my ignorance is huge, bigly. But
>>> the Google machine seems to me a trap for boomers & their ilk.
>>> What if YOURE Terrance or\and Ish (too?).
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