Mindful pleasures..... As the words turn.

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 16:07:03 CDT 2017

Thanks Seymour,

I ultimately wish to break past my facade to see my Self.  I don't begrudge
other''s facades, except those purposefully deceptive.

David Morris

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 3:57 PM Seymour Landnau <seymourlandnau at gmail.com>

> Really though, you are a timeless, infinite being.  "David Morris" is
> absolutely a facade, a personae.
> And I don't mean you are not, not "David Morris" somewhere else.  Your
> infinite self is right here, right now.  You are just currently acting like
> you are "David Morris", and are momentarily fed up with people's facades.
> In a very real sense, you are believing your own act.  At the same time,
> you are perfectly aware of the act.
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 3:42 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ish is not a troll by way of content. But he is probably Terrance.  But
>> why become Ish?
>> Att-P isn't really a troll, because he plays at dialogue.  Ish is all
>> monologue.  Neither is a troll, just facades, personas, which can still be
>> really annoying.  But why do that?  It is not entertaining.
>> David Morris
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 3:06 PM Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at zen.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> Ishmael is no troll - since I've been back (pre BE) he's been a steady
>>> source of interesting opinion and reading. I can't remember exactly when
>>> Terrance first turned up here but it must be nigh on 20 years ago. People
>>> change.
>>> Atticus arrived in  troll mode, maybe s/he's all troll. Maybe Terrance,
>>> as you suspect and occasionally tell us, is still creating new personas to
>>> mock you and others. Maybe Atticus is just another wind up merchant,
>>> passing through, looking for easy kicks.  I'm favouring the latter at the
>>> moment.
>>> On 29-Aug-17 8:26 PM, David Morris wrote:
>>> Not believable.  You don't use Google?  Ingnorant of walking meditation
>>> or kundalini.  You reek of troll.  THAT is what Terrance is.
>>> Your name is fake.  Mine is real.  I am very transparent.
>>> David Morris
>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:09 PM Atticus Pinecone <
>>> atticuspinecone at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ha-ha true. The warp and enormity of my ignorance is huge, bigly. But
>>>> the Google machine seems to me a trap for boomers & their ilk.
>>>> What if YOURE Terrance or\and Ish (too?).
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