Prof. Irwin Corey, RIP

rich richard.romeo at
Wed Feb 8 15:43:17 CST 2017

I was just thinking that Pynchon will be 80 in May. I cant picture the man
as an old dude for some reason, the writing, particularly the later stuff
has such the energy of a young man (whereas the younger stuff was bolstered
by writing like an older man of experience)
But I guess we turn around and realize one day that we're old. life is funny

a side note: I knew of Prof Corey before I knew Pynchon. I hope the man is
given his due without the NBA awards being the highlight


On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:31 PM, John Bailey <sundayjb at> wrote:

> 1914-2017.
> Accepting the National Book Award for Thomas Pynchon, 1973 (and a reading
> from GR), from A Journey into the Mind of P.:
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