Trying to think of a reason to post this... I dunno...

gary webb gwebb8686 at
Sun Jul 2 11:57:01 CDT 2017

The whole gun debate/2nd amendment, like most of everything else these
days, has totally run off the rails. What was initially a state militia vs.
federal government protection in the Bill of Rights, became an individual
right in the late 20th Century, has now spiraled into a seed bed of
contradictions as witnessed in this video. Why would true individual
liberty proponents, i.e. 2nd amendment advocates, cheer on a militarization
of the police? Unless its just a cheap ploy to scare a constituency, NRA
members and avid gun enthusiasts, who are already scared, to drum up sales
because of guns and ammo sales have been tanking for a while?

I don't know, things just getting stranger...

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 11:23 PM, Jade Becker <jbecker13 at>

> That's pretty horrifying. My wife saw that I was watching this and thought
> it must be satirical. Nope...
> On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 7:13 PM, jesse gooch <jlguuch at> wrote:
>> Oh my…
>> That’s too insane for words. I love the repeated use of “THEY.” So
>> ominous and threatening.
>> On Jul 1, 2017, at 3:48 AM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at>
>> wrote:
>> ...maybe a Vineland connection? Maybe she's a female Brock Vond?
>> In any case, I don't think this cultural moment should be allowed to pass
>> without being referenced and, perhaps commented upon, by the denizens of
>> Pynchon List, some of the smartest human beings whose collective musings I
>> feel blessed to be able to connect with on occasion.
>> So here it is... the NRA's apparent declaration of war:
>> Now, can anyone here please tell me what any of the things that she's
>> ranting about in this video have to do with "protecting second amendment
>> rights"? Because this all seems like an epic overreach to me. I mean, why
>> would entertainers sharing their political opinions require recourse to a
>> second amendment-based response?
>> I'm not over-reacting, am I? This shit isn't normal, right?
> --
> Jade Becker
> (530) 518-6859
> George Fox University | Class of 2017
> Writing Consultant, George Fox University Academic Resource Center
> *The Crescent*, Editor-in-Chief
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