NP but Cortazar. Hopscotch and the anti-binary--re the law of the excluded middle
Seymour Landnau
seymourlandnau at
Fri Jul 7 10:13:08 CDT 2017
What does that mean there is a second temporal order to reading Hopscotch?
Is this intended by Cortazar? Where did he leave the instructions? What
if I invented a third temporal order to reading Hopscotch?
I've noticed it seems lately some posts regarding time, inside and outside
the text, the temporal order of things. I'm totally curious about the idea
that a novel can be read outside the typical linear time-chain we are
accustomed to. Which is kind of sequentially, starting with 1, from the
left, heading to the right in an upward fashion toward ever bigger
integers. To 2, for example. So forth.
Obviously we being free beings (not really) we can read any text in any
temporal order we wish. We can't yet anyway skip around the times of the
day that we read the book. If we first read for a while at noon, then any
further readings are doomed to be, at earliest, in the afternoon. Never in
the morning.
But time is an illusion. And we can skip around what times of day we read
a text. Would this alter the text? I don't think so, would it? How would
reading the text out of the order of the normal regular sea-*queayn*tial
(hearing Dixon) way, change the story? Or is that not the point? Couldn't
I read any damn novel I please, out of order?
What you have is higher forms of consciousness that exist outside of time.
All that is, is consciousness. The physical realm is entirely
consciousness. The higher forms of consciousness created certain physical
matrixes that involve time. But inside any given temporal matrix you can
raise your consciousness to the point where time becomes malleable, and in
fact you can move around in it, "out of order."
Then, raising your consciousness, your vibration, your frequency, even
higher, you step out of time. You can then "be quantum" and leap of vast
areas of time in a instant, way faster than light, well, as fast as
The same also applies to space. There isn't *actually* space and time, we
just believe them to be absolute monarchs.
What we are *is *the entities of the higher consciousness, creating
infinite varieties of matrixes with various "laws and illusions." And
sometimes, for amusement, being truly ourselves out of time and thus
eternal, we throw a portion of ourselves into certain matrixes, like this
one, and we give ourselves a set of false beliefs about the nature of
reality, and we obliterate all knowledge and memory of who we truly are,
and then watch ourselves play it out, act it out, "from above."
The entity that calls itself Pynchon, pine cone, the pineal, it--
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> One direction for reading Hopscotch---there are, if you are not aware,
> two major ways to read the novel, all the linearly-numbered chapters.
> One way, the second given, is to start with Chap 73 and follow the
> numbering
> at the end of every chapter to the next chapter to read. So, already,
> right?
> Chap 73: "The very fact that one asks oneself about the possible choice
> vitiates and muddies up what can be chosen. *Que si, quo no, que
> en esta esta *
> *.....*it would seem that a choice cannot be dialectical, that the fact
> of bringing it
> up impoverishes it, that is to say, falsifies it, that is to say,
> transforms it into
> something else. How many eons between the Yin and the Yang? [love this
> line--MK]
> How many, perhaps, between yes and no? Everything is writing, that is to
> say, a fable.
> This is going to be a VERY INTERESTING NOVEL to me, I think.
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