Feel like I should put this out there

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 11:15:16 CDT 2017

Hey, if Joyce Carol Oates likes it...

I'm picking up a copy. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Jesse.

However! In the spirit of good-natured competition about who's got the most
notorious "connect", I'll see your former fellow inmate lifer and raise it
one internationally renowned manifesto-penning anti-technology terrorist!

A couple years back I wrote an online concordance to go with the Lutz
Dammbeck documentary "The Net: The Unabomber, the CIA and LSD" on my hobby
blog. Here's the link, for any interested parties (I'm pleased to report
that Mr Dammbeck enjoyed it as well):


Somehow, Kaczynski managed to watch it, and he liked it so much he sent me
a copy of his new book to review!

I have yet to get around to reading it, but when I do, you better believe
I'll be sharing the review with you guys.



On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 12:50 AM, jesse gooch <jlguuch at gmail.com> wrote:

> I’ve been asked by somebody I know to spread the word about a book that a
> guy I know wrote in prison. It can’t be considered P-related, and it isn’t
> a typical prison memoir, but most people that read it like it, and for
> anybody interested in some of the realities of what lead to a decent kid
> doing a life sentence in prison, (30 years, you do about 20-22) it’s worth
> their time. Check it out if you have a few minutes and the inclination,
> it’s a pretty fast read.
> "Easy" (Zeke Caligiuri) is a quiet, smart guy that stayed out of the
> prison politics. I only dealt with him on a casual basis since I was
> involved in a lot of shit he tried to stay out of, but several lifers I
> knew vouched for him and told me/us to respect him and keep him out of the
> nonsense if we could. I was also assured that he couldn’t fight his way out
> of a paper bag so he wouldn’t be of much use anyway. Luckily for the state,
> and unluckily for him, he stayed out of trouble long enough that his
> custody points dropped and he became medium custody. Now he is in a county
> jail in MN where he and a lot of other state inmates are. The county
> charges the state a daily fee to hold him, and the state gets to pack more
> drug offenders into Stillwater, the most violent prison in the state. When
> that happens, you lose all of the privileges you had in state prison like
> TV, fresh air, gym, and decent commissary. Phone calls also cost over $5
> for 15 minutes in jail. It won’t get him out any quicker, it was just his
> reward for staying out of trouble and being a model inmate. I’ll post a
> link to the book and one to his DOC face sheet.
> Thanks - Gooch
> https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/this-is-where-i-am
> https://coms.doc.state.mn.us/publicviewer/OffenderDetails/
> Index/205553/Search
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