NOT NP: Mr Fucking Robot, Season 2

jesse gooch jlguuch at
Sun Jul 23 23:27:13 CDT 2017

I followed the first season of MR on TV last year and enjoyed it at first, but was a bit disappointed by it towards the end. Not gonna throw out any spoilers since a lot of people haven’t watched it, and most people seem to really like it, but I didn’t get into it enough to want to follow it this year. The acting and characters though, were great. Rai Malek is always very enjoyable.
Has anyone watched him in Buster’s Mal Heart? It’s a great paranoia mindfuck movie that I’ve been a bit surprised to not hear much about on here. Certainly some themes there that I feel like most of us would enjoy.

> On Jul 23, 2017, at 11:19 PM, L E Bryan <lebryan at> wrote:
> <sigh> Okay, I’m giving it a try. Downloaded season 1 from iTunes, or rater tried to. Took several hundred dollars to get it installed as when I replaced my hard drive last December the now-gone tech forgot a crucial part that Apple needed for me to be able to download stuff from iTunes. But finally got episode 1 installed for $2.99. I watched it. Just interesting enough to want to watch episode 2 and since I was already out so much, another $22.00 was peanuts. Maybe someone who watched the whole thing can tell what happened after he apparently got shot getting a fix at the end of episode ? and seemed perfectly fine on episode ?+1. (Perfectly fine for Elliot, in need of serious help for the average man.) I’ve not watched all 10 episodes; am tempted to skip to episode 10 to find out if they ever nail Evilcorp. On the whole I’m not impressed with the story. It has the traditional soap opera format tat can drag on indefinitely, the arch never coming back down. The acting is good. I may have liked it more if I could somehow turn off the god damned awful irritating computer generated music.
> Lawrence
>> On Jul 22, 2017, at 3:48 PM, John Bailey <sundayjb at <mailto:sundayjb at>> wrote:
>> Such a delicious show. The viewer is a function of the protagonist's mind and because we're privy to info he isn't, by season 2 the relationship becomes quite antagonistic. If you know nothing of it, just go into season one blind, with loins girded and pearls within clutching distance.
>> On 23 Jul 2017 6:41 AM, "David Morris" <fqmorris at <mailto:fqmorris at>> wrote:
>> This is PostMod TV at its finest.  The reality footing is ALWAYS in question.  And the characters are also fucking crazy.
>> Fun fun fun
>> David Morris

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