(np) The Neurodiversity Case for Free Speech

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 05:03:40 CDT 2017

As long as we're on the subject, I recently wrote a little something
about a joke that is popular with the Neurodiversity crowd.



On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 5:38 AM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com> wrote:
> Quillette in general is a bunch of reactionary hyperventilating
> alt-right crap spackled with a thin veneer of academic camouflage that
> would only fool those who've never actually been to university, or who
> did go, and yet somehow managed to learn not a blip about philosophy
> or the history of ideas.
> I've never seen so many people who haven't got a clue what they're
> talking about talk about it with such obvious self-assured authority
> (Cultural Marxism! Postmodernism! The Frankfurt School!). Most of them
> think Jordan Peterson is an intellectual titan of this age, even
> though he tells his readers "all you need to know about postmodernism
> is found in Stephen Hicks' book Explaining Postmodernism!"
> A quick perusal of Hicks' book (easily done, as PDFs are freely
> available online, seeing as it, like Peterson's whole shtick, is part
> of a massive public brainwashing campaign that's going on right now,
> in case you've missed it) reveals that he knows next to nothing of
> substance about the subject. A deeper look into Hicks' other published
> work reveals a possible answer for that - he's a devoted Ayn Randroid.
> So, yeah, college students behave badly sometimes. Sometimes they get
> tangled up in bad ideas and start believing silly things. Sometimes
> they do it just for the hell of it. And do you know why? Because
> Twas ever thus!
> And all the hand-wringing crocodile tears about how "the left is
> ruining" this and "the left is perverting" that... it's all fucking
> bullshit distraction from the REAL problem facing the world right now.
> That being the potentially planet-destroying ascendancy of a rogue
> Deep State faction bringing together the postwar remnant "Underground
> Reich" (as relentlessly documented by Dave Emory), the nascent
> technofetishist Utopian billionaire class (with its access to
> bottomless financial resources, increasingly powerful mass mind
> control technologies, and deeply anti-democratic post-human "Dark
> Enlightenment" worldview), as well as a handful of other, equally
> poisonous partners of convenience, of which Trump is an unknowing
> puppet.
> I have taken to calling them the New Fascist International. I'd be
> honored if some of y'all started doing so as well.
> MOST Sincerely,
> yer old pal Jerky
> www.dailydirtdiaspora.blogspot.com
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 2:45 AM, L E Bryan <lebryan at sonic.net> wrote:
>> Republicans in academia are “oppressed” like creationists are “oppressed” in
>> biology departments. At least the bulk of the current crop of religious
>> neo-facists.
>> On Jul 25, 2017, at 9:23 AM, Laura Kelber <laurakelber at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think the writer creates a fallacy that men on the Autism/Aspergers scale
>> (however loosely that's defined) are likely to be right-wing and/or
>> Republican, leading to him to argue that right-wing men are an "oppressed"
>> group in academia, and deserve the protections of other marginalized groups.
>> Given the loose definition he uses (apparently any man who's a little crusty
>> or socially awkward), I'd have to argue that almost 100% of the men I know
>> who fall into that category are politically progressive and/or Democrats. So
>> basically, he's just whining about how badly Republicans are treated in
>> academia. The poor, oppressed, marginalized little dears.
>> I agree with him that the current cultural obsession with micro-aggressions
>> and triggers, amplified by crowd-shaming and the taking of statements and
>> pictures out of context, is a serious threat to free expression. As a
>> feminist, I find the sniveling about the need to protect women from even
>> modest innuendo (I'm not talking about sexual assaults or serious threats or
>> hazing campaigns) a throwback to Victorian times, with the emphasis on women
>> as weaklings who need to be sheltered and protected, lest they ... faint.
>> And I can't imagine that any psychologist would instruct someone suffering
>> from PTSD to spend the rest of their life hiding from anything that triggers
>> distressing memories.
>> LK
>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 3:53 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen
>> <lorentzen at hotmail.de> wrote:
>>> Having a daughter who's not only studying history and English but also
>>> politically active in the fields of LGBT and migration, I'm often
>>> shocked how little Free Speech counts among the young.
>>> http://quillette.com/2017/07/18/neurodiversity-case-free-speech/
>>> -
>>> Pynchon-l / http://www.waste.org/mail/?listpynchon-l
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