RIP Chuck Berry

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Tue Mar 21 09:02:37 CDT 2017

So, basically, by this standard, world history previous to 1935 was
populated pretty much entirely by monsters, perverts, pedophiles, and

Personally, I think it's more constructive to take a slightly elastic
view, depending on the variables.


On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:07 AM, Jemmy Bloocher <jbloocher at> wrote:
> I'm with Jesse on this one.
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 2:35 AM, Jesse Gooch <jlgooch at> wrote:
>> I don’t really see what her being a prostitute has to do with it.  She
>> could be a cannibal who fights dogs when she isn’t busy burning churches,
>> and she would still be a child.  If a man sleeps with a prostitute and it
>> happens to be a child, or if he has sex with a child and it is used against
>> him by an inherently racist system, he is still having sex with a child.
>> It’s not unfair that he went to jail for it, it’s unfair that others should
>> have and didn’t because they didn’t share his status or skin color.
>> From: Toby Levy <tobyglevy at>
>> Date: Monday, March 20, 2017 at 3:46 PM
>> To: Jesse Gooch <jlgooch at>
>> Subject: Re: RIP Chuck Berry
>> The 14 year old girl was a prostitute. After the first mistrial she was
>> arrested in another city for prostitution. Who knows what really happened 50
>> years ago, but the charge of bringing a minor across state lines to have sex
>> was brought to show an uppity Chuck Berry where he stood in society, not to
>> protect the morals of the girl.
>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Jesse Gooch <jlgooch at> wrote:
>> Did he not have sex with that girl?  Seems like there are several other
>> articles that said he did.  I read a few before posting anything about it to
>> make sure I wasn’t misremembering something.  I don’t doubt for a second
>> that the prosecution was aided by him being a black man, if it had it been
>> Elvis, there would have been no jail time.  Jerry Lee Lewis caught a lot of
>> flack, but never actually went to jail for his child-bride either.  Doesn’t
>> mean he wasn’t having sex with that girl though.
>> From: Toby Levy <tobyglevy at>
>> Date: Monday, March 20, 2017 at 8:44 AM
>> To: Jesse Gooch <jlgooch at>
>> Subject: Re: RIP Chuck Berry
>> The only reason he went to jail for violating the Mann act was that he was
>> black:
>> And the bathroom videotaping was a stupid thing to do but hardly rises to
>> the charge of pedophilia.
>> He was a great creative artist in the 1950s. He was not a great human
>> being. But not a reprehensible villain.
>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Jesse Gooch <jlgooch at> wrote:
>> I was in prison with some child molesters that could paint beautiful
>> paintings, but they were pedophiles, not artists. I don’t disagree that
>> Chuck Berry was a great musician.  He was incredibly talented and
>> influential, but I feel like taping women while they shit in his restaurant,
>> and having sex with 14-year-old girls, negates most of what a person does.
>> I’m weird like that.
>> On 3/20/17, 1:47 AM, "owner-pynchon-l at on behalf of Thomas
>> Eckhardt" <owner-pynchon-l at on behalf of
>> thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
>>     Am 20.03.2017 um 03:33 schrieb Jesse Gooch:
>>     > Yeah, and after doing all of that travelling he got wealthy enough
>> to secretly videotape women going to the bathroom.  Kind of a scumbag.
>>     Yes. Also a great artist.
>>     -
>>     Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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