Nabataeans' Goddess Trinity (the Fates?)

David Morris fqmorris at
Mon Mar 27 18:39:27 CDT 2017

A very ancient matriarchy I'd not heard of before yesterday.  Featuring a
trinity of goddesses.

Al-Uzza ("The Most Mighty") is a pre-Islamic Arabian Goddess, the youngest
in the triad of Goddesses with Menat ("Time", the death or fate Goddess,
sometimes--I think erroneously--called the Goddess of the full moon, since
the moon in Arabia was masculine) and Al Lat
<>(whose name means "The
Goddess", as Al Lah means "The God"). They survived (a bit) even into
Islam, where they are called in the Koran the three daughters of Allah. The
trio were worshipped as uncut aniconic stones, and the "idols" of Al-Uzza
and Al Lat were two of the three hundred plus pagan statues at the Ka'aba
that were destroyed by Mohammed. She is a star Goddess, associated with the
planet Venus, and was honored by the Koreishites (incidentally Mohammed's
tribe) as one of their highest Goddesses. She was reputed to accept human
sacrifices, though that comes from Islamic sources, who likely were not
unbiased when writing about the "barbarous ways" of the competition.
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