Not Pynchon just paranoia

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Wed May 10 19:42:44 CDT 2017

Jan Irvin has been pedaling this paranoid shit for awhile. He makes loose connections that prove nothing from a time when many people interacted with many others and then he  draws absurd conclusions of fantastic plots that make no sense and follow neither political nor social logic. The government ends up persecuting its agents in this scenario. There are plenty of more reliable sources for these parts of history and they remember things quite differently. The historic record is being filled in by people who were there. Irvin’s version of events is rooted in paranoia and is full of unproveable assertions. 
  The truth is that the CIA’s experiments with psychedelics showed to them that these substances were not usable for mind control and had  more of an anti-control than a control effect, provoking takers to question all suppositions and authorities.   The junk about music is laughable. 
   I doubt Iirvin is himself an agent but that is more plausible than what he puts out. 

> On May 9, 2017, at 8:11 AM, Allan Balliett <allan.balliett at> wrote:
> I truly wish I could believe that all the old CIA documentation was made public but, of course, that's a foolish wish. What's bothering me most right now is a podcast I heard this weekend from THE LIMINALIST
> This gist of which was that the entire Youth Culture of the 60's was socially engineered by the CIA and their worldwide cohorts. It goes on to say that not only the Beats (who is it that could actually believe that Burroughs was NOT a double agent?) but the very Beatles themselves were witting tools of a CIA masterminded social program. To believe for one moment that the music and poetry of my youth was actually funded and created by think tanks created by my grandfather's generation is really too much to bear. (It's gets worse, he asserts that the whole 'ethneogen' movement, past and present, has been manufactured and spun to the benefit of THEM.)
> Podcast description from the home page:
> Conversation with Jan Irvin on what’s in a name and suggestogens, the John Allegro attacks, Wasson & CIA, overturning the entire field of ethnobotany, Peter Levenda & Trine Day as disinformation peddlers, being surrounded by dissemblers, a circle jerk of citations, from psychedelics to entheogens, mind-manifestations, recreating the fall of man, gnosis as ego inflation, the Trivium, Terence McKenna & MKULTRA, sixty years of CIA rock music, Aztec hippies, psychedelics and blood sacrifice, Jan’s Empowerment rule # 6, the CIA’s road to hell, a conversation between Aldous Huxley & Timothy Leary, reverse-engineered society, the Internal Affairs of Alt Media, the classical Trivium, the tool of tyrants, Daniel Pinchbeck’s connections, spiritual gurus for the CIA, channeling Uranus, how Jan weeds out the witting agents from the willful dupes.
> It is stated in the show notes that it has been long known that 'students of the music hall movement' (there should be special punctuation for indicating that you are copying from your own possibly faulty memory) "opened doors,' etc, for the Beatles to become the success that they did. 
> No doubt.
> -Allan in WV  where we don't care if it's brainwashing, just put Revolver on one more time
> On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 5:02 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> 	Open Culture (@openculture)
> 5/9/17, 2:37 AM
> 12 Million Declassified CIA Documents Now Free Online: Secret Tunnels, UFOs, Psychic Experiments & More
> Download the Twitter app
> Sent from my iPad

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