GR translation: Sunfishing, revisited and revised

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun May 14 06:12:18 CDT 2017

Anecdote watched: when Johnny Cash was sick and expected to die the first time in the early oughts, there was a musician tribute TV special.

Bobby was piped in from Woodstock. Opens with his back facing us as he faced his group. Bobby turns and says "Johnny,  remember that time we differed back in Nashville, I just want to tell you you were right" 

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> On May 14, 2017, at 6:26 AM, Mike Jing < at> wrote:
> David, after five years, I have to admit that you were probably right
> after all.  Thanks for all your help, despite our occasional
> disagreements. I'm still learning and correcting my mistakes wherever
> I can.
> By the way, "sunfishing" also appears later in the book:
> V667.31-668.2, P680.39-681.10   Thanatz remains shaking and furious in
> the well-established rain, under the sandstone arcade. I should have
> sailed on, he wants to scream, and presently does. “I wasn’t supposed
> to be left with you discards. . . .” Where’s the court of appeals that
> will hear his sad story? “I lost my footing!” Some mess cook slipped
> in a puddle of elite vomit and spilled a whole galvanized can full of
> creamed yellow chicken nausea all over that starboard weather deck,
> Thanatz didn’t see it, he was looking for Margherita. . . . Too bad,
> les jeux sont faits, nobody’s listening and the Anubis is gone. Better
> here with the swimming debris, Thanatz, no telling what’ll come
> sunfishing by, ask that Oberst Enzian, he knows (there is a key, among
> the wastes of the World . . . and it won’t be found on board the white
> Anubis because they throw everything of value over the side).
> -
> Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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