Are serendipitous discoveries a part of Late Capitalism? IF interested.

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Fri May 26 12:05:32 CDT 2017

An old friend sent me THIS, a Barthelme story--and I thought I had read him
pretty fully including
rereading many recently to choose one for that class I got to teach---I had
never read NOR EVEN HEARD OF or I would have read it *immediately*.

Pynchon is hat-tipped in here, or even winked at while being bowed to,
which you will all see and a fave book of Pynchon's is also buried in
allusiveness as well as another major sixties book, 'the politics of
experience' laid out in a lower case non-title allusion way as I just did.

Published in SADNESS, 1974, but another snippet only (by Stanley
Trachtenberg in his book)
snippingly says 'collected 1972'.....can't read more.....

They were not neighbors for nothing, Don and Tom.

Enjoy! Even half as much as I did and it might make your day.

to the bcc'ers: if interested.
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