Cummings Poem

Costas Stergiou gorgonos at
Sun Nov 5 16:27:27 CST 2017

 Hello people,

    I am sure you will enjoy this video

On 3 November 2017 at 23:21, L E Bryan <lebryan at> wrote:

> Yes!
> Trying to reconstruct the poem from bits and pieces of my organic RAM, I
> only recalled the use of the lower case “L” as a one in loneliness. Now the
> falling leaf comes back to me. On my default font, “1" and “l” are
> distinguishable. I suppose spelling the “one” horizontally makes the
> “one-ly-ness” more obvious, but e.e. was never much for making his poetry
> obvious.
> I was never “into” poetry until one evening sitting in a coffee house
> close to the university with a bunch of fellow mathematic graduate
> students, one of them, in a pause of a discussion of R. L. Moore’s arc
> theorem which we all needed to prove to earn an “A” in topology, declaimed
> in a loud voice, “What if a much of a which of a wind gives the truth to
> summer’s lie; bloodies with dizzying leaves the sun and yanks immortal
> stars awry.”
> “HUH?”
> So began my interest, strictly as a voyeur, in poetry.
> Lawrence
>  On Nov 3, 2017, at 5:03 AM, Robert Z <bertisfine at> wrote:
> It seems you may be thinking of this poem:
> l(a
> le
> af
> fa
> ll
> s)
> one
> l
> iness
> ...which opens his penultimate book, “95 Poems.”
> ~r
> On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 10:12 PM L E Bryan <lebryan at> wrote:
>> I have a ”complete” edition from maybe 40 years ago, but found a poem of
>> his not in it.
>>       l
>>      o
>>      n
>>      e
>>      l
>> iness
>> I can’t recall where I found that. A clear artifact of old typewriters
>> with no separate key for the numeral 1.
>> On Nov 2, 2017, at 6:31 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>> Recently, I bought a new edition of his complete poems. Great stuff!
>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 9:03 PM, Laura Kelber <laurakelber at>
>> wrote:
>>> "A salesman is an it that stinks Excuse" is one of my favorites.
>>> On Nov 2, 2017 3:05 PM, "L E Bryan" <lebryan at> wrote:
>>>> One of my favorite poets. Those damned up-floating bells get me all the
>>>> time.
>>>> On Nov 2, 2017, at 1:52 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen <
>>>> lorentzen at> wrote:
>>>> if i
>>>> or anybody don't
>>>> know where it her his
>>>> my next meal's coming from
>>>> i say to hell with that
>>>> that doesn't matter (and if
>>>> he she it or everybody gets a
>>>> bellyful without
>>>> lifting my finger i say to hell
>>>> with that i
>>>> say that doesn't matter) but
>>>> if somebody
>>>> or you are beautiful or
>>>> deep or generous what
>>>> i say is
>>>> whistle that
>>>> sing that yell that spell
>>>> that out big (bigger than cosmic
>>>> rays war earthquakes famine or the ex
>>>> prince of whoses diving into
>>>> a whatses to rescue miss nobody's
>>>> probably handbag) because i say that's not
>>>> swell (get me) babe not (understand me) lousy
>>>> kid that's something else my sweet (i feel that's
>>>> true)
>>>> (E. E. Cummings: 100 Selected Poems, # 52)
>> --
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