Very Pynchon

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Mon Oct 2 05:02:06 CDT 2017

Great writers, great artists, are great because, among other qualities,
their vision touches bottom. [ concept gotten from Louis Zukowski on
Shakespeare, decades before Bloom repeated it and elaborated] The vision
gets reality and pierces it with a
deep vision. Their constant tropes and themes are profoundly true over
time, don't 'date', reveal as long as always.

An unoriginal lead from me to another example of why Pynchon is a great
writer, whose vision is still as alive as you and me. Puritanism,
Calvinism, on the Elect vs the
Damned; the Saved vs the Not [Preterites] is so yesterday historically yet
lives sea-changed, redefined maybe all the time. Maybe it is a kind of
inherent vice, dunno.

BUT, in the aforementioned DEMOCRACY IN CHAINS there is this about the
still alive, still donating money---his name is SO BIG as one of the
sponsors of Burns' VIETNAM WAR, Charles Koch (and lesser known as the
sponsor of the recent BROOKINGS' INSTITUTION (!!) 'junk science'
"polling"--an opt-in loaded poll--of college students in summer of 2017 and
their supposed stupidity and disbelief in free speech and worse. A study
quoted as if true in the Wa-Po and by a NYT columnist and elsewhere all
over) :

"From Ludwig von Mises, Koch had learned that entrepreneurs were the unsung
geniuses of human history, deserving of a kind of reverence reminiscent of
the old Puritan doctrine that equated earthly success with divine favor".
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