On Ishiguro causing Amazon

Samir Sellami samir.manuel.sellami at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 07:18:39 CDT 2017

At the time Bezos was thinking about what to do next, he had recently

finished the novel *The Remains of the Day*, by Kazuo Ishiguro, about a

butler who wistfully recalls his personal and professional choices during a

career in service in wartime Great Britain. So looking back on life’s

important junctures was on Bezos’s mind when he came up with what he

calls “the regret-minimization framework” to decide the next step to take

at this juncture in his career.

Stone, Brad. 2013. The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon.
New York:

Little, Brown, p. 27.

*http://istinalog.net/ <http://istinalog.net/>*

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