Gore V & Pynchon

bulb bulb at vheissu.net
Mon Oct 9 13:32:19 CDT 2017

gaddis-l at yahoogroups.com <mailto:gaddis-l at yahoogroups.com> 


Very low volume.


From: owner-pynchon-l at waste.org [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at waste.org] On Behalf Of Douglas Holm
Sent: maandag 9 oktober 2017 18:41
To: Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com>
Cc: Arthur Fuller <fuller.artful at gmail.com>; Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com>; pynchon -l <pynchon-l at waste.org>; Brad Andrews <braden.andrews at gmail.com>; Christopher Kerr <christopherker at gmail.com>; Mark M. <pov at ix.netcom.com>; Mark Levine <leevyne at aol.com>
Subject: Re: Gore V & Pynchon


Is there a Gaddis list serv?

On Oct 9, 2017, at 4:41 AM, Mark Thibodeau < <mailto:jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com> jerkyleboeuf at gmail.com> wrote:

Somewhat of a lost Gaddis masterpiece is the collection "The Rush for Second Place", which contains his original notes for "Agape Agape", which are fucking fascinating and brilliant.




On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Arthur Fuller < <mailto:fuller.artful at gmail.com> fuller.artful at gmail.com> wrote:

Not to wander off-thread, but is there a similar place where we might discuss the works of William Gaddis. JR was perhaps my fave novel of his, but The Recognitions and A Frolic of His Own are masterpieces, IMHO. I think that my favorites are The Recognitions and JR, but A Frolic is so hilarious that it cannot be lightly dismissed. It's a little bit like Catch 22. It's too preposterous to take seriously, but it's so real that you just know this is the underbelly of what happened with the lawsuit-industry. 




On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Mark Kohut < <mailto:mark.kohut at gmail.com> mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:

"By 1945, with the defeat of Germany in the east and of

japan in the west, the American Empire was at high noon,

its emblem not the eagle but the death-seeding phallic cloud."

               -Gore V. "Fire Over England' in Screening History, 1992, p 37.


Ole V, who famously 'hated' GR but musta loved the begiinning

or the genital-shaped cloud image re THE BOMB later.....


or else came up with his own image independently. 


Anyway, nice.






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