Some P resonances in The Merchant of Venice

Smoke Teff smoketeff at
Thu Oct 12 16:00:27 CDT 2017

Shylock implicitly citing inherent vice, which he knows well, as he takes
stock of Antonio's wares and accounts, 1.3.13ff:

Ho, no, no, no, no! My meaning in saying he is a good
man is to have you understand me that he is sufficient. Yet
his means are in supposition. He hath an argosy bound to
Tripolis, another to the Indies. I understand moreover upon
the Rialto he hath a third at Mexico, a fourth for England,
and other ventures he hath squandered abroad. But ships are
but boards, sailors but men. There be land rats and water rats,
water thieves and land thieves--I mean pirates--and then
there is the peril of waters, winds, and rocks. The man is,
notwithstanding, sufficient. Three thousand ducats. I think I
may take his bond.
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