MD Read?

David Morris fqmorris at
Sat Oct 14 17:26:34 CDT 2017

What you got against deep?  Pynchon's works are all puzzles made for
analysis.  Remove that and all goes flat.

David Morris

On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 5:10 PM Mike <beider19 at> wrote:

> I think this is TRP at his peak. We know he is brilliant. He knows more
> than us. Lord, let's not try to keep up.
> A group read would be good if we could just read the damn thing. No deep
> reading, no Wikipedia says this about ampersands, no this comma means to
> indicate that this means this. No links to some weird place that talks
> about grammar in the c17. Or whenever. Just read the thing. This is some
> great writing, and it is a hoot.
> Hey, the beginning is reminiscent of GR. Is that about hilarious with
> the giant vegetables? Ducks? Dogs? Cool. Ketchup, I hate ketchup. Damn,
> drives me Nuts, that Weird capitalization Stuff. Did you hear about the
> ear museum?
> Could we just read it? And maybe talk about it? Not analyze it to death?
> We like it, we are way beyond grad student shit.
> Regards,
> Mike
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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