Druthers so far on M&D, nov or Dec?
tuaregss at yahoo.com
tuaregss at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 26 16:36:16 CDT 2017
Dec start is better for me now.
On Oct 26, 2017 at 11:58 AM, Joseph Tracy
<brook7 at sover.net> wrote: Druthers so far on M&D YOU CAN CHANGE YOU VOTE BEFORE OCT 28!!!, no whining, just say yer druthers) Anyone who approved the Nov schedule was counted on Nov side, only those who said preference for Dec21 on Dec 21 side. We are clearly pretty closely split on this so seems best to just to say your personal preference and go with majority and settle by Saturday Oct 28 to give everyone some time to start reading?
November : Drake Smith, Rob Miller, Mark Thibodeau, Matt Patrick, tuargss, Joseph Tracy, L E Bryan, Mike Sauve Total- 8
Dec 21:Jeremy Bloocher, James Robertson, Smoke Teff , Paul Cain, da Kid, Nyeki Gabor, David Elliot Total -7
? John Bailey, Mark Kohut, Arthur Fuller, Atticus Pinecone, Becky Lindroos, Allan Balliett, Keith Davis, David Morris
Total rcent Plist participants with no opinion so far- 8 ?
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